Union Halo Night, Thursdays 9:30pm EST

I'm not that good but I can do Tuesday nights.....GT is StinkWrinkle09.
There definitely seem to be issues, was considering doing a party chat but then when we're in custom team games everyone will hear the strategy you're yelling out to teammates.

Would have been fun to have had a party chat going during our rockets match though....did any of you watch the video on my xbox.com profile...it was me getting the final three kills including a double kill to end the game.
Alright..whose in for tomorrow night Tuesday December 9th?.....same time as last week @9:30pm EST.

Hopefully we'll be able to get more people on this week.
Send an invite tomorrow if you need one more player, I messaged you last tuesday but never got an invite.
I am a maybe but the Destiny expansion is live that day too...

The expansion pack will still be there Wednesday ;)

Send an invite tomorrow if you need one more player, I messaged you last tuesday but never got an invite.

Ok. Will shoot you an invite tomorrow if I see you on. Last week we played some customs and then things got screwy when we tried to go into matchmaking...after that point we had trouble even getting back into customs so I packed it in. Not sure if you came in after we were having problems or not.
Did a bunch of forge last night, started off in Halo 3 and was going to do something in Sandbox...started working on it and then realized how wonky the Forge controls were in Halo 3 compared to later iterations of the game. Decided instead to go into the new one they did for Halo Anniversary 2....they have a cool map called Skyward which is basically floating above a Halo ring. Started working on a new map (after I got re-used to the controls a bit.) Took a quick video of it and added some commentary. Its still pretty bare bones. I have a lot more scenery and buildings to add (especially some cover around the map) and I want to try to figure out a way to man cannon people up to where the two vehicles are at the top. I still have to figure out weapon placement for the map...most likely going to be a sniper at the top of each base, rockets or invisible in the middle of the map.
I might mess with the under side of the map and add additional bridges so you can get to the lower middle from the neutral bases as well.


Have to figure out how to share the file so anyone who wants to can DL it and give it a walkthrough to give me some opinions. Once I get closer to completion I will probably want to play test it on one of our Tuesday night custom sessions.
I'll try for tues night, though Mon and Tues. are my wife's two days that she does work nights.
Is your GT Pravus? Do you really have only 1 friend?


behem0th x
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Excellent turnout tonight, thanks for putting it together guys!

I sure as hell need to spend some time with halo 3 and 4, so many weapons and abilities I'm unfamiliar with.

The rocket match was the highlight of the night for me, brought back so many good memories...
Sorry no Mic here guys, 8 month old over here that sleeps within arm reach at night.

Fun stuff though, I had a blast. We need to get a full 16 next time.
Sorry no Mic here guys, 8 month old over here that sleeps within arm reach at night.

Fun stuff though, I had a blast. We need to get a full 16 next time.

I hear yeah, my youngest is 15 months, got a warning from the wifey during the rocket match...
The rocket games are fun, with 8-10 people it was friggin chaos.
My favorite kill of the night...took out Doodzey in midair.
Had some nice 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 games last night + some good rumble pit action as well. One thing is for sure, I f***ing suck at both Halo 4 and SWAT

And the results of the single life, 3 round SWAT rumble pit match

I've been doing these customs every Tuesday since launch....with the exception of the one week when I think LIVE was down that night when I tried to log on. Last night was, without a doubt, the best turnout. Hopefully we can keep this going. 16 would be awesome...we could then do our own BTB without matchmaking and their stupid limit of a party of four.
My favorite match was the 1 flag CTF that ended with a tie

Blue team had the flag all the way out to the beach in the final round. Tough to score in this game but I think both teams were suffering from a lack of strategy....definitely think you need to open the gate and need to also use the mongoose to transports it quickly.

Results of the Team Slayer Match on the Pit

And, last night during some of the post game carnage reports I couldn't see everyone's gamertags for some reason. Check this out:
My favorite match was the 1 flag CTF that ended with a tie


Blue team had the flag all the way out to the beach in the final round. Tough to score in this game but I think both teams were suffering from a lack of strategy....definitely think you need to open the gate and need to also use the mongoose to transports it quickly.

They had the flag with the escort, I think you were all dead so I took a mongoose and headed straight for their base, grabbed the sniper and killed the flag guy and the escort :laugh:
Sorry I got there at the end- the Wife took a while to get sleepy, lol. Next time I'll spike her drink with some Benadryl ;)

BDaddyk and I had some fun times afterward though. Lots of fun once we got it working, lol. Let's keep it up!
Sorry I got there at the end- the Wife took a while to get sleepy, lol. Next time I'll spike her drink with some Benadryl ;)

BDaddyk and I had some fun times afterward though. Lots of fun once we got it working, lol. Let's keep it up!

Oh yeah, the H1 matches on Wizard were the best. The blood gulch H2A match was pretty awesome too, air superiority FTW!

Sucks the matchmaking while in a party is still so fuq'd. Literally took us like 20 mins to finally get in a game party together...
Oh yeah, the H1 matches on Wizard were the best. The blood gulch H2A match was pretty awesome too, air superiority FTW!

Sucks the matchmaking while in a party is still so fuq'd. Literally took us like 20 mins to finally get in a game party together...

Yeah, we had to quit the game and party up outside of MCC to finally get it to recognize us as team members.
I'm not that good but I can do Tuesday nights.....GT is StinkWrinkle09.

behem0th x

Sent you both friends requests. I was thinking, in case I wind up not being able to make it one night we should elect someone to be the second in command. I nominated Sykokila as he is on both sites that participate in this game night.