Official Forza 5 discussion v2.0

I forgot all about Gamesradar! Good call. They did always seem decent... although I haven't been to their site in quite a while.
Greenawalt is either severely honest or not the greatest PR guy (or both perhaps).

The Forza 5 engine is 3 years old, Forza 2 was using the OG Xbox engine (from Forza 1) on the 360, so of course Forza 4 (a ground up engine for the 360) would look better.

Not the best news but at the same time, I do understand that games improve, the question really will be by how much? Considering the age of the Forza 5 engine already!
I saw my friend play this on an Xbox One demo unit at Best Buy and both of us were not impressed. The Jaggies are very apparent. My friend's a big Forza fan and even he said he didn't see much improvement from Forza 4.

It did look more crisp though and there were some environmental sand effects that looked nice when he was driving on the track at times.
Another attempted hit piece on Microsoft and the Xbox where common sense seems to escape some. If anybody thinks that the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4 are hitting their technical limit, I have a bridge to sell you. To even entertain the idea means you're trolling.
Another attempted hit piece on Microsoft and the Xbox where common sense seems to escape some. If anybody thinks that the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4 are hitting their technical limit, I have a bridge to sell you. To even entertain the idea you're trolling.
Most people that are into this industry from a fan standpoint are simple bullet-point people. Things like this do not go past certain text; all context and understanding is lost on them.
A Forza dev is taking shots at MS? Maybe you misunderstood his statement. lol
The journalism is trying to make a hit magnet is all this is. Nowgamer is twisting the story. Every new console that is made, devs utilize 100% of what is given to them. What changes are better optimized engines, better dev tools, and more efficient development techniques. Forza 5 isn't the peak of the X1, but they are using 100% of what they were given. Its the same thing for the ps4 and WiiU, devs use 100% of what they are given.
These comments are always silly and confusing to people. If I drive really slowly in my car, I'm still using "100% of the motor" but not 100% of the power.
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It explains why games like COD is struggling they can spout all the crap they want about making the game for next gen. It's a current gen game where theyve just upped the settings to high for next gen. But its not built for these systems which is why it looks bad, compared to the games that are and look better (ryse,forza and kill zone)
Isn't COD still using a Quake 2 engine?
Every system launch the same thing is said. Devs don't just program for 80% of the hardware to be utilized, they use everything they've got, then they get better at programming for that hardware set. And then some game comes along that bricks systems because it's pushing the hardware harder than it's ever been pushed, and I have to reevaluate my understanding of 100%.
LOL at folks thinking this is something "bad". The internet got even more stupid since the last console launch. This website must be desperate for hits.
Not what the T10 developer was willing to convey with his comment. Using 100 percent of everything ≠ maxing out the power.
That would be most unfortunate. Haven't developers learned their lessons with these stupid percentage quotes? I have yet to see one that works in their favor.
Anyone stop to think maybe he meant in terms of "100% of what the platform offers" versus raw horsepower?
Anyone stop to think maybe he meant in terms of "100% of what the platform offers" versus raw horsepower?
That would be most unfortunate. Haven't developers learned their lessons with these stupid percentage quotes? I have yet to see one that works in their favor.
Yes developers need to be careful what they say. People just aren't smart enough to understand everything and then crazy rumors spread like wildfire.
I love Turn 10 but they don't know what they're talking about. With the power of the cloud the Xbox One has endless power.

Real translation: We knew had to go play-by-play, execution wise, execute. Just give 100%, great devs, great team, 100%.

lol, That made me laugh so hard(when the guy that was interviewing the interviewer justs walk offs)

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I love Turn 10 but they don't know what they're talking about. With the power of the cloud the Xbox One has endless power.
So Turn Ten maxed out the console on Day One? That's not a good sign... o_O
This 100 percent thing is a pretty dumb statement.
If I honestly thought the console was maxed and things weren't going to go up from here I wouldn't even bother buying the thing.
Not doing MS any favours with statements like this.
This 100 percent thing is a pretty dumb statement.
If I honestly thought the console was maxed and things weren't going to go up from here I wouldn't even bother buying the thing.
Not doing MS any favours with statements like this.

But its true?. Your game runs as fast as the hardware allows it, you use all available resources. The only difference is that over time you find better ways to make use of the resources making the games look better.
I understand that. The reality though is that they're likely using what... 60 percent or less of what the console is actually capable of at this moment.
I find that idea to be far more appealing and exciting. This 100 percent comment seems like an odd mixture of bragging and trying to cover their ass at the same time.
These comments are always silly and confusing to people. If I drive really slowly in my car, I'm still using "100% of the motor" but not 100% of the power.

Exactly. I think, his comments are only half right. The comment that all games uses 100% is wrong, but that games will be optimise better is right. Even if you are racing, you do not push the car 100%, only in certain sections, even so the engine may be detune to last longer. A car that runs 100% will not last very long.

If a game is pushing the limit, say design for 60fps, it must be ar most time running near the limited, maybe 60-70fps, with some fps dips when it goes over. In real well design games, they build buffer, so the fps limit or slight drop are only reached at the maximum possible setting, say in a grand battles with lost of AI.

What many people do not realiase, is that over last gen, it not just people knowing the hardware better, hence games become better looking, but also the tools to make game asserts have improve a lot, for instance, improvements in 3D design tools allow more complex characters & envirnoment to be done, & in shorter time.