Xbox One X

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Resolution and some other visual bells and whistles will be better for sure, framerate isn't something I'd hang my hat on though. They'll probably be very close in that area.

Edit: Seems the demo isn't final code..?

True 4K isn't the best way to play Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X

Digital Foundry's full take on the early demo.

By John Linneman Published 27/09/2017

It's true, we've covered Rise of the Tomb Raider so many times over the past couple of years that we've even given it a YouTube playlist - but this is by no means a bad thing. It simply demonstrates the love and care developer Nixxes has poured into maintaining the game over the years. From supporting the ageing Xbox 360 to the PlayStation 4 Pro and PSVR all the way up to the Xbox One X, Nixxes has become the caretaker for Crystal Dynamics' most recent outing. At this point, the only thing missing is a Switch port. But right now, all eyes on are the upcoming Xbox One X port, demonstrating what looks like the best console version of the game yet.

Before we jump into that, a curious anomaly has popped up in our most recent captures of both Rise of the Tomb Raider and Forza Motorsport 7 - a colour-shift that seems to desaturate the footage a touch. Interestingly, the other games we grabbed at the recent Microsoft showcase event that do not support HDR (Killer Instinct, Quantum Break) do not exhibit the issue, possibly suggesting a firmware tone-mapping bug in the preview Xbox One X units. We've alerted Microsoft to the issue, but in the meantime, remember that everything tested here is pre-production software running on production hardware hosting a non-final operating system.

And there's certainly plenty to test. This is the Gamescom demo we're hands-on with, covering off around ten minutes of gameplay from the Syria-based Prophet's Tomb level. We actually played through the demo four times - in 4K, 4K HDR, and using the alternative rendering modes: Enriched 4K and High Frame-Rate. The native 4K mode is indeed impressive as Rise of the Tomb Raider remains a highly demanding game on the PC. Granted, the level of detail is pushed back compared to the PC version, but it holds up better than you might think.

We've been hands-on with the early Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox One X demo. Here's the detailed report you've been waiting for.

Unfortunately, the Prophet's Tomb is just about the worst level for drawing conclusions on detail settings but essentially, we're looking at settings equivalent to PS4 Pro's 4K checkerboard mode which is lower in turn than PC's highest possible settings. However, we can finally draw an element of confusion about our last analysis to a close. Does Xbox One X run with higher quality textures or not? There was a lot of confusion surrounding this comparison last time due to the procedural dirt system, but with further hands-on time, plus running specific comparisons through the PC version at various settings, we can make some firm conclusions.

Firstly, the extra memory on Xbox One X means that textures nearly on par with the PC's highest setting are available here, and a welcome twist is that these textures persist across all three display modes on Xbox One X, so you'll always enjoy higher quality assets regardless of the selected option. Yes, they even manifest on the 1080p high frame-rate mode.

Secondly, the Gamescom build of Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X runs with depth of field disabled, giving the illusion of further detail resolved in the scene even though it's an important effect in the post-process pipeline that has actually been removed (for now, at least). Stacking up Xbox One X's results against PC with the same effect disabled, we get a very close match in detail, confirming higher quality assets on the new console build. It's strange that the effect is missing, as it was present in the original Xbox One release. It will be interesting to see if it reappears in the final build and, if so, whether or Nixxes they use the higher quality bokeh depth of field available on PC.

Far more important from our perspective is the matter of performance. Nixxes has set a lofty target for itself in the native 4K mode of Rise of the Tomb Raider, but it's fair to say that the Gamescom build is a little shaky here. The PS4 version uses triple-buffering for a tear-free experience, while Xbox One - and X - use an adaptive sync technology, allowing frames that run over their rendering budget a little wiggle room in when to present, manifesting as noticeable tearing at the top of the screen. Most of the demo plays out at 30fps, but busy scenes can drop beneath - a little concerning bearing in mind that The Prophet's Tomb is actually one of the lightest areas of the game.

Nixxes knows what it is doing so we expect improvement in the final game, but even now there is already a preferable solution. The PS4 Pro's 1080p Enriched mode - gets a 4K upgrade, retaining what looks like the same visual feature-set (enhanced draw distance, tessellation etc) but using a reconstruction technique similar to checkerboard rendering to produce a pixel count of 2160p just like on the Pro. Not only does this mode look great on Xbox One X, it also offers improved performance. The areas that struggled to hold 30fps in native 4K mode run without a hitch. You lose some fidelity when using this type of rendering but it works beautifully on a 4K screen, performance is improved and the graphics are just straight-up better. What's not to like? Right now, this gets our vote as the best way to play the game.

Then we have the high frame-rate mode, which is quite impressive based on this showing. It offers a 1080p output just like PS4 Pro but as we mentioned earlier, it now supports higher resolution textures. It also uses nearest neighbor scaling when output to a 4K display - that means a sharper but slightly more pixelated image compared to a filter and scaled one. As the name implies, this is a mode with a higher frame-rate but not one promising a locked 60fps. The demo comes close to this with most areas running locked. While the drop in resolution is certainly noticeable, the improvement in fluidity and controller response makes for a nice change of pace. It feels fantastic to play in this mode.

Unfortunately, it's not a complete lock. The very last section of the demo exhibits minor slowdown and tearing compared to the rest of the level. Now, to be fair, these dips are rather minimal in this particular area but this is also one of the least demanding sections in the game. So if we're seeing minor dips here, it's fair to assume that later areas, like the Geothermal Valley, will struggle to hit 60fps. What we can confirm though is that like-for-like tests on the demo area confirm that Xbox One X does indeed run the same content faster than PS4 Pro. We should see that reflected across the full game, something we'll check out upon release.

Ultimately, this demo is just our first extended encounter with this iteration of the game. Overall impressions are good - the improvements over PS4 Pro are readily evident and by extension, this places Xbox One X in pole position. However, question marks remain, specifically related to missing features and unstable performance in native 4K mode. The lack of depth of field is puzzling, but the frame-rate drops in the native 4K mode are more of a concern bearing in mind the relatively non-complex part of the game chosen for the demo. If we're seeing issues in this level it could be much more of an issue later on - but we should remember that this demo is quite old now, and Nixxes has a proven track record in rolling out improvements to its work. Even if issues remain though, the Enriched 4K mode seems set to get the job done.

With around 130 titles confirmed for Xbox One X upgrades, we're in for a busy end to the year. Games like Doom, The Witcher 3, Titanfall 2 and Forza Horizon 3 are genuine tech showcases that have the potential to look stunning on a 4K screen. But with its extensive support for high frame-rates, increased resolution or improved visual effects, it's Rise of the Tomb Raider that has become more than just a game, and just as much of a technical benchmark for current-gen console hardware. Our extensive hands-on with the Gamescom demo actually asks as many questions as it provides answers, and we're really looking forward to checking out final code.
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Is Cuphead confirmed to be 4K native? Or does that hot chick need to redraw every frame again with more pixels?
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Been saying all along that devs should code for the "best possible Image Quality" across their games as far as X1X goes. If that means 1080p/Very High, 1440p, High or 4K medium, then so be it. If they want to give consumers the option to choose for themselves as well, all the better (though I'd generally trust a dev to give me the best mode as default).

Damn...getting close now. Just 1 month and 10 days until X1X release!
Yep. Should be the same unless something seemingly improbable and impossible has happened in the past month.
I'll have to find the article. I'm pretty sure it was stated that Cuphead would not get enhanced. I could be wrong though. If I am, you should leave the country. I'm on my way to da hizzy... Smartass
I can't wait for destiny2 in hdr 4k 60fps pvp....
Will the Games get enhancements on Xbox one x? If so they belong on the list.
The list is pretty straight forward and so is that quote.. now i'm confused as to what the confusion is.

Hands On With Assassin’s Creed Origins On Xbox One X – First impressions
Robby Bisschop
September 30, 2017Robby Bisschop


I had the opportunity to go to GameForce in Belgium today and I’ve used most of my time checking out how well the Xbox One X performs. To give you the short of it; it looked stunning! Surprisingly, it wasn’t Forza 7 that blew me away, but Assassin’s Creed Origins!


Having just played Assassin’s Creed Unity on my regular Xbox One, I must admit the graphical difference is overwhelming.

*Disclosure: All of the images below are taken with a Phone Camera, as there was no option to directly record them.

It was immediately apparant that the amount of detail was far greater than any Assassin’s Creed we’ve seen before.


And I’m a sucker for water physics, so I was glad I got to jump in and see that I had total freedom. I even had small flashbacks of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, which is my favorite one to date.


You even get to dive down into the water again and see some varied aquatic life.


But Assassin’s are naturally aquatic creatures and eventually you’ll have to emerge and do what they do best… Climbing!


And if you don’t quite know what lies ahead, you can now use a LITERAL Eagle vision. At any point can you press UP on the D-pad and soar through the skies with your feathered friend. It’s definitely a more impressive method to scan your surroundings, but a tad less usefull than the previous games’ take on Eagle Vision. Though that kind of ability always had the risk of being overused in games and then you spend 50% of the game in X-ray/detective/Eagle Visions-mode…


The eagle isn’t your only animal compatriot, you’ll also have a trusty steed. It sure helps getting around the vast environments that Origins has to offer and the horse handled very well. Perhaps even a little too well as it jumped over any obstacle automatically. Very much the same way as the Assassins themselves often feel like they’re on auto-pilot.


But again, thank god for our equestrian friend or crossing this desert would have taken ages!


Most of the games shown at GameForce had one issue in commn: they didn’t have any kind of tutorial or true demo to show. They kind of dropped you into the deep end and let you experiment to your hearts desire without even explaining the controls. I went into Assassins Creed Origins thinking that wouldn’t be the case, as I literally played an Assassins Creedgame the day before.

To my (and my friends who were with me) suprise, the control scheme was entirely different than what I’ve gotten used to. You no longer press the RT button to run, that buttonis now used for melee attacks. X is no longer the option that lets you quietly assassinate your targets, this has been moved to the Y button.

It lead to some funny accidental kills though… at least there’s that…

Aiming and shooting a bow now feels more natural though, as you get to use LT to aim and RT to fire. But having the fight button on the shoulder button just feels a tad weird to me.I don’t know if the game will let you remap the controls to what you’re used to, but I quietly hope so as otherwise I’ll have to take some time adjusting to this.

When you do get into combat, the action is pretty smooth though.

I was on the edge of skipping this one before I got to play it. I was getting kind of tired of the Assassin’s Creed formula (especially after Unity’s insane amount of side-content and chests testing the limits of my repetition-tolerance) But the gorgeous graphics and the interesting setting may just have me playing this game to completion just like I did with Black Flag.

I have high hopes for it!
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