Batman: Arkham Origins Anyone?


Telegraph Ave.
Super Mod
Sep 11, 2013
Winter Park, FL
Yea so this is totally coming out in like 9 days...where is the excitement? Is anyone even excited...hell I don't even know if I'm excited. Pls be excite!

At least we can play as Deathstroke!
Fair or not but since Rocksteady isn't making it, i am waiting on reviews.

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I still have the first two games in my backlog to play through first.

There doesn't seem to be to much hype for Origins though I'd thought there would be more since the first two were really popular...
I'm pumped for it, although I never bought a Batman game day one. Still though, it's got a pretty unique roster of villains and the gameplay vids do look promising.
I'll be getting it day one. The two Arkham games are some of my favorite games this gen. With a foundation that is so strong with the other games I hope it is a big hit.

Fingers crossed.
I still haven't completed Arkham City, but Origins does look interesting with the Detective Mode stuff. I'll pick it up on PC.
Only finished Arkham Asylum, haven't played Arkham City yet so not sure when I'll get to play Origins.
I'm not particularly excited for it. It'll be very similar to the last entry I'm sure, and probably not even as good. I did like the last game a lot, but I've already played that and had that experience, so it's hard for me to get riled up about doing it again. I guess I'd be excited if I'd already played every game I want and was dying for something new, but I still have a ton of older games to play that are keeping me quite happy. I will get it eventually, but not right away or anything.
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I already have 1 GTX 770 and I was thinking about getting a second GTX 770 and SLI'ing them but if I wait until Oct 28th to buy my second one I get a free Batman Arkham Origins, Assassins Creed IV, and Splinter Cell Blacklist (which i already have)
I already have 1 GTX 770 and I was thinking about getting a second GTX 770 and SLI'ing them but if I wait until Oct 28th to buy my second one I get a free Batman Arkham Origins, Assassins Creed IV, and Splinter Cell Blacklist (which i already have)

How so? I went today and picked up the first of my next build part, a gtx770 and they (microcenter) were out of Batman cards. So they gave me splintercell, bioshock (already have) and a radeon card where I can pick two games, none of which I want. I'm thinking of attempting to do some trades/sales for steam funds so I can pre-order batman but if the deal you mentioned starts on the 28th I'll just return this card and wait till then.
Yea so this is totally coming out in like 9 days...where is the excitement? Is anyone even excited...hell I don't even know if I'm excited. Pls be excite!

Man, I didn't even know it was coming out this month until a few days ago. Also, why is it coming out on a Friday?

I'm undecided as to whether I'm buying it. I'm getting LEGO Marvel next week, and I was planning to get Assassin's Creed IV, if it's not a disaster.
I wish all games came out on friday.

Anyway, I got my steam key and am just waiting to be able to pre-load the game, can't wait! I played through Asylum 4 times (twice on 360, once on PS3 and once on PC) and City twice (on third play through now) so I clearly love these games. I just hope it's even half as good as City then I'll be in heaven.
My interest waned when I heard Rocksteady wasn't developing it. Does anybody know what they're working on?
How so? I went today and picked up the first of my next build part, a gtx770 and they (microcenter) were out of Batman cards. So they gave me splintercell, bioshock (already have) and a radeon card where I can pick two games, none of which I want. I'm thinking of attempting to do some trades/sales for steam funds so I can pre-order batman but if the deal you mentioned starts on the 28th I'll just return this card and wait till then.

Look here man, it's a holiday bundle lol. I've made up my mind and am definitely now going to wait until that window is open to get my second 770. Assassins Creed 4 looks drop dead gorgeous.
and batman, well it's always been extremely fun great.
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Well damn. I already have Batman and no interest in Splinter Cell but I wouldn't mind having ACIV so I may as well return this card and repurchase it next month. Good lookin out.
Well damn. I already have Batman and no interest in Splinter Cell but I wouldn't mind having ACIV so I may as well return this card and repurchase it next month. Good lookin out.

I already have Splinter Cell Blacklist as well as it came with my 1st GTX 770 so I will probably trade that code away or sell it, but I am def interested in ACIV and Batman.
I can't wait for this game! I preordered the PS3 version yesterday. Map is twice the size of Arkham City so there should be a lot to do.

I also like the story of Black Mask putting a bounty on Batman. All these assassin's coming into Gotham to claim the big prize lol. Should be fun.
JUST preordered the game... Being at the end of this gen I am not terribly excited, but I get this feeling that this will be one of the end-of-the-cycle games that truly polishes what the current generation has done for years. Last gen had Black, BIA Earned in Blood, and SC Double Agent for Xbox. For this gen, maybe it's Arkham Asylum...
Had it preordered for a while. Videos that I've seen up to this point seem like typical Arkham, which is good. Figure it would take a lot for them to screw up a winning formula. Wish it had a next gen release though.
Sometimes I hate reading GAF. Those douches over there look for any reason to hate on a game. The review embargo ends on the 25th and those scumbags are running wild in the speculation the game is no good.

It's unjustified. Arkham Asylum I recall didn't have any early reviews and I love that game. Haters are going to hate I guess.