Battlefiled 4 anti-fud thread. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC.

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Lot of red faces over at gaf then.

It is really weird how MS is handling this if the reports are true. It seems like NO ONE will have a finished XBOX ONE or finished XBOX ONE games until 12 Nov. Every thing people are currently playing right now, is not a finished product, which actually sounds great, since the games being shown and the reports about the XBOX ONE OS have been very positive. I mean the finished product should be even better.
The only 'they' that are saying that are cboat and the rest of his GAF following, not even a useful rumour as the game is months out.

It was suspected to be sub 1080p long before cboat said it:

In the pursuit of 60fps, something has to give way though - and it usually comes to light when looking too closely. It's the uncanny facial animations during NPC briefings, the rough-looking textures on Titan interiors and billboards, and what seem like scaling artifacts that betray either Titanfall's early development status, or its commitment to being about gameplay first, appearances second. The jaggies are a curious point in particular; even judged by the high quality feed we have availability direct from the Microsoft E3 conference there's more sub-pixel shimmering and rough edges than any other game on show, which suggests this may not be a full-blown 1080p title in its current state. From what Respawn has announced so far, the 60fps bullet-point is proudly announced, but it remains tight-lipped on what native resolution is intended for the final game. - Source

It's the old Infinity Ward team over at Respawn, and they are still using the Source engine. Hopefully, it's 900p and not 720p, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

These other gaming sites are going to be tripping over themselves to get more visitors before launch so we should see more comparisons like this of other multi-platform games.
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Have game running on bro's PC with a i3 2120 and a 660GTX. All setting at ultra except for AA at x2 running on a 1080p TV. The lowest framerate i've seen so far is 35FPS and highest I've seen is 81FPS. Most of the time when I look up at the FPS overlay the game is 45-50FPS. Game looks great.
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Blame DICE, not hardware.

Disagree, check this out.


Notice anything apparently missing? Your TV can't add this stuff in. DICE can though.

There's no need to warrior on something that's already done.
do anybody else see their ACU are different?

I guess the contrast sharpness has made the sign disappear on the ps4 side....sad you can fuk up everything with your us.

I'm on that scene right now and that's a TV screen. It goes on and off. Comparison is false. The same with the bald guys nappys showing. The textures didn't load up yet. The car scene is over done on the X1. You should't even see that much tail light lighting because the car behind the car is facing forward not backwards. This game has a problems with textures loading slow and I see it on PC. I've even see shadows loading in late.
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3. While the differences seem to align well with the raw specs delta, it also implies that (likely) the X1 platform is simply too 'hot-off-the-press' for developers to properly take advantage of the custom hardware
Rushed drivers and the added difficulty of ESRAM is leading to things like CoD 720p vs 1080p. That won't be the norm once devs get a handle on the X1 hardware. CoD should be at least 900p on XB1 if it's 1080p on PS4, the hardware gap isn't that large. We might even see 900p CoD on XB1 if they make it in time.

On the other hand, I think we'll see 720p vs 900p or 900p vs 1080p for most games this gen. Dropping the resolution is a quick and easy way to match the ~50% power gap of the two consoles. It's either that or start fiddling with IQ settings and framerate, which can get messy for devs.

Also consider PS4's greater GPGPU compute ability and unified memory giving added hUMA features. Once devs take advantage of this we'll see better physics modeling (fluid, fire, hair, etc.) on PS4.

720 and 900 or 900 and 1080 is a far larger difference from 360/PS3 which was often a matter of 20-30p of resolution or 3-4 framerate avg. Quite a few people here are subjectively not bothered by the difference, but it's much greater than 360/PS3 was.

Anyway if you want XB1 exclusive games and don't mind the worse looking multiplatform games, you'll be happy with your XB1.

And yes the "offloading upscale balance shape upclock tiled resources latency bottleneck" stuff to claim XB1 was equal or better than PS4 was pretty much bunk.
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I'm only asking here but haven't the GAF crowd kind of got things right so far with the X1 in regards to development of games?

Resolutions and ESRAM issues causing lower resolutions on X1 talk?

Not trying to upset anyone, I'm honestly just asking...

I don't care what is said anymore, on a personal level, no human being will sway mew from picking up my X1 on November 22, even if the OS did not f***ing work as advertized I'd still use it to game!

The credible rumor (at least as far as I'm concerned) is that the XB1's dev tools weren't ready to the degree that the PS4's were, which would definitely explain how the games developed specifically for XB1 (Forza/Ryse/DR3) can stand out as they do (*) while the cross-gen multi-plats aren't looking nearly as good. If it was an issue of ESRAM limitations or console POWA, all of the games would look like pants.

(*) - obviously, DR3's inclusion isn't because of some super graphics, but the fact that they're pushing so many individual and unique enemies in a wide open world.
Why are you getting an Xbox One again?

lol I like console games sadly. While most are on the pc some of them aren't. Take killer instinct for example, that and Ryse are the only xb1 games I'm interested in until Titanfall and I might end up just getting that on pc.
Man I cant believe this. We are looking waaaayyy too much into this. Both console versions look impressive. Just get it for the console of your choice and enjoy.
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*RUMOR* ...this source has been stating all along the final version of BF4 on X1 will be native 1080p

Shame the 1080 patch wasn't ready in time for the captures, this is a really old build. Most annoying is not the resolution but the frame rate. This build drops like the PS4 version, the final is super smooth 60. Good to see the insider verifying that.

Even so if you think 720p upscaled looks good on Xbox One, imagine 1080p upscaled to 4K with that sharpness and detail.

DF did mess up the RGB range and that is why the blacks are crushed. It should be 0-255. Rookie mistake.

Patch still being worked for multiplayer - a few bugs to iron out that is causing input lag.

As insider and I have said, launch is when it goes live.

November 1st event will be slightly newer build but not the full 1080p yet.
It was suspected to be sub 1080p long before cboat said it:

It's the old Infinity Ward team over at Respawn, and they are still using the Source engine. Hopefully, it's 900p and not 720p, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

These other gaming sites are going to be tripping over themselves to get more visitors before launch so we should see more comparisons like this of other multi-platform games.
Yeah I remember the article, but they just talked about framerate being more important than res (which for a fps it kinda is). I didn't take it as and indication that the res would be 720p, with source they should be able to do well easily. And with the X1's scaler they might also go for 900p instead of gunning for 1080p and taking advantage of that. Who knows, as is right now it is all speculation, the game is still months away.
*RUMOR* ...this source has been stating all along the final version of BF4 on X1 will be native 1080p

This rumor would fall in line with all the reports about how no one has a final build of an XBOX ONE game yet, nor what we will all get on 22 Nov.
It's misterxmedia. His blog is the "UFO abductions and Elvis sightings" of the console war. They're still going on about driver updates turning XB1 into some 4.8 TF beast with stacked dGPUs, double the ESRAM, magical 4k upscalers. and all kinds of nonsense.

Any XB1 exclusive game would have more power to use on PS4. Ryse would be 1080p, Forza 5 would have better IQ (lighting, shadows, AA, etc.)
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The car scene is over done on the X1. You should't even see that much tail light lighting because the car behind the car is facing forward not backwards. .

Look at 1:08, the effect of the red lighting is project outward pretty clearly, beyond the taillight so front or back it should been seen. So while exaggerated, there should be an effect there, DICE intended it to be in and the rain would even further this, so its completely missing from one version, not a big deal but its interesting. The ps4 version isn't so powerful it understands this as exaggerated and removes it. lol
It's misterxmedia. His blog is the "UFO abductions and Elvis sightings" of the console war. They're still going on about driver updates turning XB1 into some 4.8 TF beast with stacked dGPUs, double the ESRAM, magical 4k upscalers. and all kinds of nonsense.

Any XB1 exclusive game would have more power to use on PS4. Ryse would be 1080p, Forza 5 would have better IQ (lighting, shadows, AA, etc.)
This rumor would fall in line with all the reports about how no one has a final build of an XBOX ONE game yet, nor what we will all get on 22 Nov.

I read what you're saying but take my word for it, not much will change other than the addition of AO in BF4, don't set yourself up to be disappointed, development issues are likely the reason why the X1 version of BF4 is not up to par with the PS4 version in the developmental process.
Man you are truly hilarious

I think that if you want to sell the idea that the PS4 is somehow better than the X1 version, you should show a shot where the PS4 looks good and the X1 looks bad. Showing a shot where they both look positively awful, then claiming that the X1 look slightly more awful doesn't accomplish the same thing. IMO.

I was serious, I wasn't trying to be funny.
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*RUMOR* ...this source has been stating all along the final version of BF4 on X1 will be native 1080p

I've come to the conclusion MisterXteam or whatever he calls himself and all his imaginary 'insiders', is actually a PS or PC fanboy playing with Xbox fanboys. He's probably has hysterical laughing fits making all this up, knowing desperate people are clinging to any straw he offers them.

I take it not giving the source links to show where it came from means you're in on the joke ?
Why did the single racing game on PS4 (30 fps) get delayed? Dat powah?

Thanks for the video.

So Jack Frags and all of the journalists he talked to said the PS4 version was superior. He also mentioned the PS4 had superior lighting and particle effects.

So let me see, there is a version that runs at 50% higher resolution, with a higher and more steady frame rate, and it has better lighting and particle effects, and there are people in here who think that is NOT the better version (because it's not their brand)? Amazing.
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So...where is a PS4 Forza or Ryse?

Why you try to start s*** is beyond me...

I know some of you guys are mad about the BF4 thing but the hardware in the X1 as compared to its competitor was a given. MS said themselves they did not go for power but made the X1 for broad entertainment.

Get used to this type of thing.
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