Dragon Age: Inquisition - Nov. 18

Holidays are over, & its back to work, so I will have less time gaming. I expect game time for DA will be much less. I played DA also like a speedrun, charging from one objective to another. I think I will slow down to appreciate the last 35 or so hours of gameplay left.

I think there is still 2-3 main areas left to open, & about 1 main area worth of area opened but not fully explored.

I recommend leaving one or two regions before you finish the final main quest. It also just makes sense in the whole context, because even after you kill the final boss, Inquisition will still go on.
I'm curious how you guys think of some of the returning casts. I think Hawke was the most underwhelming of those, it almost seems like he was just snubbed and used for a choice that doesn't seem like much. Haven't seen Loghain myself, but those who actually had to choose between Hawke and Loghain loved the way he was involved in DAI and agreed that the choice in the fade seemed like the perfect way to end his story. I really should see him in the second playthrough.

Btw it seems like changes in Morrigan is universally praised. Frankly I think she was a power-mongering crazy b**** back in DAO, but especially when the male Warden becomes her partner and Kieran is his son, the way Morrigan changed is believable yet immensely likeable at the same time. Loved the parts where she treats with Kieran with great care, where she initially refuses to talk about the Warden in detail but ends up calling him a good father and a good husband, her embarrassment when she got a mail from the Warden through Leliana thinking that the spymaster must have checked the mail, these things made her all the more human and likeable. And yet the power obsessed nature remains, which totally backfires, and presumably will change her character in a greater degree. Will definitely look forward to meet Morrigan in the later installments.
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I agree with you about Hawke. He seemed to appear on the stage temporarily, then vanish in a puff of smoke. There was a big fallout with Varric, because he had kept his knowledge about Hawke's whereabouts a secret from Cass. I'm not sure I appreciated the importance of that, probably because I only got 2/3 through DA 2.

Did I have a brain fart? I don't remember even seeing Kieran in my game. There was some vague reference to a child, but that's all I remember. I also don't remember the mail from the Warden. But yes, people seem to like Morrigan a lot in this game. I was glad to see her re-appear, although I never went ga-ga over her in DA:O, like a lot of people did. I went after Leliana, iirc.

Leliana, of course, was another returning character. I liked her in this game better than the last. In the last, she was awfully goody-goody, sort of bland. She was much tougher here, as the spymaster. Pretty aloof, but that's what you'd expect of a spymaster.
I liked the game but it still doesn't touch Origins for me. I wish there would have been more main story missions because a lot of the side quests were soulless mmo quests.

Interested to see where the DLC will take the story.
Finished the game with pretty much everything done except the f*cking astrariums. Unlike Origins,I don't feel like playing this ever again.
I'll agree. While not nearly as bad as ME3 original ending, DA:I ending left alot to be desired. Felt like there should have been more. Story wise I felt like there was more to tell. Gotta sell dlc somehow though.
I was satisfied with the ending, although it didn't seem particularly inspired or anything. I'm used to games ending like that -- big boss fight, The End. I have low expectations of game endings, I guess.

Anyone hear anything about DLC? Do we even know if they've promised any?
Finished the game with pretty much everything done except the f*cking astrariums. Unlike Origins,I don't feel like playing this ever again.

Yeah, you sounded aggravated throughout the whole experience. I was kind of wondering why you didn't just save yourself the trouble and stop.

I could not agree more. Ending felt meh-ish and without the satisfying Bioware seal of freshness.
Good article and sums up how I feel except I'm 40 hours in and have no plan to finish it. Game went from awesome to tiresome within the span of what I have already played and I feel as I have not accomplished much of anything. I guess I also really dislike the forced messiah plot and hope for a day when a role playing game will let me play the role as I see fit and not be bound by the puppet strings of a rigid narrative. So many games that claim to have player "choice" are just illusions, and while it was fun years ago when it was new, it's time now for a developer to step up and give us a game where we truly can chose our own path. I know that is no easy feat, but RPG's badly need an evolution.
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I would like to see an RPG with environments that feel more like a different world. Dragon Age settings were very similar to Earth environments. So are most RPGs -- the settings pretty much just duplicate what we have on Earth. Ok, so you throw some weird creatures/enemies in there and some red lirium spikes, but I'm talking about the general landscape itself. I miss the games like Morrowind, where you could wander around in what genuinely felt like an alien landscape. You get some of that in Mass Effect.
Just did the Abyss mission, pretty awesome, & the landscapes are sick. After doing missions of planting flags, picking up shards & finding lost animals, its a nice & perhaps much needed change of pace.
Yeah, you sounded aggravated throughout the whole experience. I was kind of wondering why you didn't just save yourself the trouble and stop.

For the same reason you drink a sour mojito. You keep expecting it to turn sweet and it never does...

But seriously,it had its nice moments,just not memorable ones.
My mistake. 308

:surprise: How is this even possible? I did every quest, read most all of the codex entries and only logged 91 hours. Can't possibly imagine what I could have done for another five hours let alone another 217.lol
You must be fast. I logged about 103 hours & have at least a couple of main areas not explored, & a lot of deialog yet to opened.
I also wonder how many hours I wasted walking around Skyhold seeing if my companions had anything new to say? I really wish they would add a notification on the map showing when they have a new conversation available.
When you guys meant most quest, does it include all those shards & find items quests? Then I must have spend too much time farming herbs, & equiping my guys, or wonder too much in skyhold, or got lost too often finding the path to.....shard locations. In any case, I am a slow gamer that like to take my time.
I like to take my time with RPGs, too. I have 130 hours on the clock, and I've still got some more quests and exploring to do.
Um....silly question but; how the hell do you defend in this game?!
There is no 'block' button in this game, you have to use a counter or block skill, like block & slack or something along these lines. There are some characters with no possibiliy to block at all. You hit & run, by foot or another escape skill like Roll or stay a safe distance like mages. Or use barrier or some protective spells.
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Whats the point of buying horses anyway, other than cosmetic? Or songs?