Go Vote 2020

Oh my f*** Alabama. Congrats on electing a football coach.

Yeah and that’s how our government was set up,” Tuberville said in response to a question about a politically divided Congress. “You know, our government wasn’t set up for one group to have all three of branches of government. It wasn’t set up that way, our three branches, the House, the Senate and executive.”

"I look at it and I see what country I grew up in and what it’s meant and the direction that we were going, and it’s concerning to me that a guy can run for president of the United States and have an opportunity to win when he leans more to a Socialist type of government. … And that’s concerning to me that we’re to the point now where we’ve got almost half the country voting for something that this country wasn’t built on. Very concerning and, you know, as I tell people, my dad fought 76 years ago in Europe to free Europe of Socialism. Today, you look at this election, we have half this country that made some kind of movement, now they might not believe in it 100 percent, but they made some kind of movement toward socialism. So we’re fighting it right here on our own soil. We’ve got to decide, you know, over the years which direction we’re going, and that part’s concerning to me."
Now that the dust has settled we really do need to examine ourselves. You can't deny that Trump, the horrible despot he is garnered more than 70 million votes. That is an increase from 2016 where he had around 63 million. More people voted for him, and while he will be out of the White House in January, this would seem to indicate that by and large nearly half the US population agreed with him.

Now you can say alot of Republicans agreed with his agenda and not his rhetoric , but you also have a more sinister breakdown of that group; alot of them agreed with his tone and way of thinking so much so that they were willing to vote for him despite his moral failings.

As Shakespeare so eloquently stated "The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves" serious inflection needs to take place. Trumpism is here to stay unfortunately, and there needs to be some commonality in basic human interaction.

Let's dig into the actual data.



10% of registered Republicans voted down ballot for Republicans but then voted for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket in some key districts to help Joe Biden win. What does it say that Trump got less of the Republican vote after 4 years and a lot more of the black vote?

This idea that Trump was especially racist is a farce. If Democrats are talking about Trump being racist then they don't have to talk about what they will do to help people.

And If you ask someone to name something "racist" that Trump did they'll tell you that he "put kids in cages".

Obama built those cages. All Trump did was continue the border antics of the Obama administration. It was just reported on differently. The media will just stop reporting on it now that Biden is in the white house.

This is who Republicans always were. Trump's coded language was just a Roger Stone strategy. He did it because it worked. Republicans have always done this, it's nothing new.

Joe Biden is going to feed the war machine. No one is going to be able to hold Joe Biden accountable on the left because he just beat the "racist" Trump. All this talk about police brutality and defunding police is going away. Joe Biden is going to bring in Republicans into his cabinet and he'll use the excuse that they helped "him win the election".
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Let's dig into the actual data.



10% of registered Republicans voted down ballot for Republicans but then voted for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket in some key districts to help Joe Biden win. What does it say that Trump got less of the Republican vote after 4 years and a lot more of the black vote?

This idea that Trump was especially racist is a farce. If Democrats are talking about Trump being racist then they don't have to talk about what they will do to help people.

And If you ask someone to name something "racist" that Trump did they'll tell you that he "put kids in cages".

Obama built those cages. All Trump did was continue the border antics of the Obama administration. It was just reported on differently. The media will just stop reporting on it now that Biden is in the white house.

This is who Republicans always were. Trump's coded language was just a Roger Stone strategy. He did it because it worked. Republicans have always done this, it's nothing new.

Joe Biden is going to feed the war machine. No one is going to be able to hold Joe Biden accountable on the left because he just beat the "racist" Trump. All this talk about police brutality and defunding police is going away. Joe Biden is going to bring in Republicans into his cabinet and he'll use the excuse that they helped "him win the election".

No, trump did not just continue what Obama was doing at the border. For someone who likes to put up the front that they know what they’re talking about, you sure so get a lot wrong, intentionally or unintentionally.

As far as exit polls go, they’re worthless this year because of the abundance of voting by mail and some voting early.
No, trump did not just continue what Obama was doing at the border. For someone who likes to put up the front that they know what they’re talking about, you sure so get a lot wrong, intentionally or unintentionally.


The Obama administration did not separate families as a matter of policy, as the Trump administration did as part of its “zero tolerance” border policy in 2018, but separations occurred on a case-by-case basis for parents being prosecuted on more serious charges than illegally crossing the border or in cases when an adult was suspected of not being a child’s parent, according to CNN.

Children were also placed in cages in some cases under the Obama administration, and Obama-era images of children in such structures have been mislabeled as occurring under the Trump administration on several occasions. - Source

Yeah, it's funny how they scrub these sort of stories now with so many fake "fact-checking" articles, but I was able to find a story by the national immigration law center about how Obama started the child separations.

“It is incomprehensible that President Obama continues to rely on this failed deterrence approach, which will do nothing to deter a mother’s decision to make the perilous journey north in order to save her family’s life. Instead, parents will fear sending their children to school or to a medical appointment. These proposed immigration raids will serve only to confuse immigrant communities about an administration that has detained and separated our families in record numbers. - Source

How is the National Immigration Law Center wrong?

Yeah, it's funny how they scrub these sort of stories now with so many fake "fact-checking" articles, but I was able to find a story by the national immigration law center about how Obama started the child separations.

How is the National Immigration Law Center wrong?

And what you posted validated what I said. Thanks!
It’s glaring. I shouldn’t haven’t to point it out.

It says that Obama did separate some children at the border and he did put some kids in cages during his administration. Trump continued that during his administration.

"President Obama Ramps Up Family Separations"

Then you say he didn't do that at all. It all started with Trump.