Kingdom Come: Deliverance

I want this game just cause it's upsetting the r******d SJW folk.


He's handling that like a pro IMO, the people bitching aren't going to buy the game anyway and are just trying to hurt it's sales out of spite.
have you ever had an open world that did not have a ton of bugs at first? Only one I can think of is the GTA games you don't seem to hear about bugs in that game to bad.

Horizon is one and Assassin's Creed Origins has fewer glitches and issues than any other AC game, and most open world games in general. At least in my playtime...
At this pace, game will probably score high 60s. Every article I've skimmed so far talks about major tech issues and bugs.

Wait for the patch and see how that improves things.
I'm a couple hours in (would be further, but I got sucked in reading the codec. the History is interesting) but I have only seen one bug. Well, heard one, as it was just a repeated line of dialogue. I am playing on Xbox, though, and not sure if rampant bugs are aren't mainly a PC issue or not.

Horizon is one and Assassin's Creed Origins has fewer glitches and issues than any other AC game, and most open world games in general. At least in my playtime...

Those games' systems aren't as complex, so I'd expect it. They also have much, much larger teams working on them.
Think I'll wait till the next patch which is a shame as I really want to play this.
There are reports that the lasted patch from yesterday destroyed the visuals on ps4/pro, tons of pop in now. Not sure if it's s glitch but users are reporting alot more visual bugs.
I haven't noticed the frame-pacing issue, myself. I may not be too sensitive to it. It seems pretty smooth to me (on the X).

I picked it up. Only a few hours in. I’ve noticed one piece where the frame rate dropped to crap for a second or two but other than than that it’s been very smooth. The character models are ok bit the environment is just awesome looking. The first person combat isn’t bothering me as much as I thought it would. But the crappy save system is.
I picked it up. Only a few hours in. I’ve noticed one piece where the frame rate dropped to crap for a second or two but other than than that it’s been very smooth. The character models are ok bit the environment is just awesome looking. The first person combat isn’t bothering me as much as I thought it would. But the crappy save system is.

Yea the save system is a problem. I will want to play but then if I don't think i have much time i won't bother because i don't know when i'll be able to save.
Ok, so on the frame pacing thing. My tv must do something, as I just played on my brothers tv, I I definitely noticed it. I got used to it pretty quickly. Still loving the game!
From the videos I'm watching of X1X and ps4 pro there's seems to be a ton of pop in textures, especially in the towns
From the videos I'm watching of X1X and ps4 pro there's seems to be a ton of pop in textures, especially in the towns

Yeah there is a bit pop in going on but honestly it doesn’t bother me that much because the environment is just so damn beautiful looking. During the opening scenes your heading back to town where your parents were killed and it’s raining and overcast with the wind blowing and you really get a real feel of overbearing doom from it. It’s extremely cinematic and very well done.
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I am absolutely loving this game. The combat is different but once you get the knack of it I'm eager to go out and find some bandits to skewer! Game has run very smoothly for me but I noticed my Xbox one X's fan keeps running and gets loud, have not had that happen with any other game. The main character is really likable and there are a lot of very funny moments in the game. I feel like I'm playing a game/movie hybrid. I love the realism of blood dripping down your face and if you are bleeding you better patch up as soon as you can.

I really, really suck with the bow and arrow as of now but am loving the sword fighting. I am not a fan of the save system. I've bought some of the scnapps stuff you need but sometimes you still forget to drink it, especially if you've finished up several quests only to get blindsided by a few bandits and find your self having to repeat those quests because they weren't the ones that saved after you finished them.

One of the side quests I've done involved a character you have the option of getting drunk with and it was the most enjoyable side quest I've ever done in a game!
Surprised more ppl arent talking about this game. Gamespot gave it an 8 even with bugs.
Surprised more ppl arent talking about this game. Gamespot gave it an 8 even with bugs.
Sonyspot is a bug.

I have so many damn games now backlogged, it's hard for me to even consider getting this game, as good as it looks. I have watch some Twitch on it last weekend, and it looks fun though.
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I’m really enjoying it. It says I’ve over 80 hours played already but I find that hard to belive so I’m not sure that’s correct. Combat is more fun than it looks on the video. Melee fighting is very neuenced with fients, dodges parries and blocks. I really love bow combat myself though. It’s hard and takes a good bit of skill to get large distance shots to hit. My biggest complaint is still the save system. It’s f***ing awful. Sometimes when I sleep it doesn’t even save and those save potions cost a fortune.
I’m really enjoying it. It says I’ve over 80 hours played already but I find that hard to belive so I’m not sure that’s correct. Combat is more fun than it looks on the video. Melee fighting is very neuenced with fients, dodges parries and blocks. I really love bow combat myself though. It’s hard and takes a good bit of skill to get large distance shots to hit. My biggest complaint is still the save system. It’s f***ing awful. Sometimes when I sleep it doesn’t even save and those save potions cost a fortune.

Wow 80 hours lol.

The next patch will be addressing the save system should be out in about 1-2 weeks now.
Wow 80 hours lol.

The next patch will be addressing the save system should be out in about 1-2 weeks now.

Yeah it has to be wrong. It only came out a week ago and I’ve been playing a ton of Monster Hunter when I am on. Plus I don’t think I’ve played this for more than 3 straight hours whenever I did play it. No way the 80 hours mark is right.
Someone needs to come steal my digital copy of the Witcher so I can get back to this...
Got it for the One X and i'm loving it. Fun game and has a great setting and atmosphere.

It's smooth as hell on the X. Glad i came to my senses and got the best version of the game.
So the game has sold ove a million copies and I have heard that some places ran out of hard copies.
So the game has sold ove a million copies and I have heard that some places ran out of hard copies.

It very enjoyable I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone who enjoys a decent rpg game. Some of the more unusual mechanics like eating, cleaning, sleeping etc, aren't really all that bothersome and add a nice element rather than it being restricting in any way. The combat is proper hard and really makes you consider every fight you think of starting. Likewise your behavior in a town is very well done. If you start getting a bad rep the guards will randomly stop you for a quick search.
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It very enjoyable I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone who enjoys a decent rpg game. Some of the more unusual mechanics like eating, cleaning, sleeping etc, aren't really all that bothersome and add a nice element rather than it being restricting in any way. The combat is proper hard and really makes you consider every fight you think of starting. Likewise your behavior in a town is very well done. If you start getting a bad rep the guards will randomly stop you for a quick search.

pretty cool to hear it's good. I will buy it one day to simply support the company.
It very enjoyable I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone who enjoys a decent rpg game. Some of the more unusual mechanics like eating, cleaning, sleeping etc, aren't really all that bothersome and add a nice element rather than it being restricting in any way. The combat is proper hard and really makes you consider every fight you think of starting. Likewise your behavior in a town is very well done. If you start getting a bad rep the guards will randomly stop you for a quick search.

I agree with everything you've said, my only complaints are, and they are minor, is I wish the fast travel was a bit faster and making potions can be time consuming. Haven't quite gotten to the perk where I can make them instantly. The bathing isn't bad if you do the full service and get that extra manly perk! LOL! And compared to the prices of everything else, it's a real bargain!! :hehe: