Official Thread Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Monolith Confirms Shadow of War Requires Internet Connection, Explains Why The Market Exists
"For players who don't want to spend a lot of time..."

Oh go f*** yourself, Monolith. Your publisher wants more money. Simple as that.
Seems weird to require an internet connection for a game without a multiplayer mode. I don't understand their rationale. So people don't fake their currency? So people don't find a way to "pay to win" without paying for it? Is that it?

This would've been a deal-killer for me, had I been interested in the game. I have internet, but I typically play unplugged, because my TV is in a different room than my modem, and because I don't need to plug in very often. I wouldn't want to have to be plugged in constantly, just to play an SP game.
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Who doesn't have internet in this day and age?

Mine isn't capable of being used for any type of online gaming or having a consistently reliable connection, so that would be me.

MonolithJared just clarified on the game’s Discord channel that the Internet connection is only required to access the Market.


Which seems like kind of a non-story. "Anything that's an online feature will require online." Well duh.
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Requires an internet connection, lol. What year is it?

Oh, just for the online marketplace. Well that makes sense.
Glad all that got cleared up. Hope it doesn't turn too many people off from what should be an excellent game.
F monolith and there damn microstransactions I cant believe people are letting get away with this crap this was not in the first one.
I don't mind games allowing people to spend money on quick upgrades, to me that's an easy fix if you don't like it just don't do it. The only thing that would have been idiotic is requiring an internet connection for a single player game because of it, thankfully that isn't what's happening after all.
I wouldn't have bought the game is it required connection for single player.
Saw a commercial for this game today. First time a cheesy commercial (rather than game reveal trailer) has made me want to play a game in a long time. I want my own orc. Lol
Saw a commercial for this game today. First time a cheesy commercial (rather than game reveal trailer) has made me want to play a game in a long time. I want my own orc. Lol
Is that the one where they are immortalizing the dev that died of cancer? Some of the proceed are gonna go to helo the family. I saw some people throwing a fit because it only applies to some states in the US. I see it as a great farewell to their friend, and even some money to the family.

Lot's of hubub online about "they are profiting from his death" BS. So what if it's paid DLC? I'd love to live on in this way, and my kids being able to see and interact with a representation of me would be amazing. it's hardly the company's fault the guy got cancer, and they couldn't use his likeness without the families permission, could they?
Is that the one where they are immortalizing the dev that died of cancer? Some of the proceed are gonna go to helo the family. I saw some people throwing a fit because it only applies to some states in the US. I see it as a great farewell to their friend, and even some money to the family.

Lot's of hubub online about "they are profiting from his death" BS. So what if it's paid DLC? I'd love to live on in this way, and my kids being able to see and interact with a representation of me would be amazing. it's hardly the company's fault the guy got cancer, and they couldn't use his likeness without the families permission, could they?

No I haven't seen that one yet. This was just a goofy commercial I saw. Made me want an orc as a pet.

On that note, if someone wants to immortalized me in a game when I die, feel free to do that.
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Okay, those are great commercials, lol... but they've shown-off a ton of game-play (I'M LOOKING AT YOU FORZA!!!)...

They have shown a TON of this game and yet not spoiled much of anything. They play it a lot in those livestreams but they tend to simply show fortress assaults so it really doesn't 'ruin' the game at all. Can't wait for this one. Everyone is cryin' about the lootboxes & all that, but I couldn't care less. Like GTA before it I will simply ignore that entire element and never know the difference. They're basically just paid shortcuts...
They have shown a TON of this game and yet not spoiled much of anything. They play it a lot in those livestreams but they tend to simply show fortress assaults so it really doesn't 'ruin' the game at all. Can't wait for this one. Everyone is cryin' about the lootboxes & all that, but I couldn't care less. Like GTA before it I will simply ignore that entire element and never know the difference. They're basically just paid shortcuts...
I had to stop watching them because I want to be surprised by the different permutations. I have already watched far too many!
I had to stop watching them because I want to be surprised by the different permutations. I have already watched far too many!
Yeah I've not actually watched one in it's entirety. I'll just watch a minute or 2 here & there from a few of the youtube uploads of the streams just to see a bit of the combat.
First games GOTY edition is less than £10 on Xbox right now.
My most favorite game this generation.

It's up there for sure. Never gonna dethrone the Witcher 3 for me, but it's certainly in the upper echelon. It's definitely a sleeper hit.

$8.00!!!! SOLD, and thank you. I have no idea what the game is about, but it's popular so I will give it a try!

Make sure you pay attention to what the Orcs are saying and doing as you progress! It's totally unique. If one manages to kill you multiple times, he will make fun of you. If you make a habit of running away to get out of fights they'll laugh at you and call you "Run-Away Ranger", lol. Sometimes they will even NOT finish you off in order to humiliate you. It's so cool...

I recommend watching Angry Joe's Olgoth rivalry video. Figgin' hilarious, and amazing that a game can provide an experience like that! Totally underrated, imo.
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