Official Thread Star Wars Battlefront 2

Who knows how much this issue will hurt sales. Heck, this game might sell 10 million copies anyway. But maybe the deal is structured on royalty fees per copy sold.

I can see why Disney would be concerned on a different front. They don't this issue leaving a bad taste with consumers with the new movie coming out.

I like the unlock system.
I want the ttk to be shortened though.

Yep, I don't mind a grind if the game is fun to play, and this is fun. I don't feel like I have to play. The default guns are still very good anyway so it doesn't feel unbalanced. Hopefully that doesn't change as time goes on.

Heroes are done so much better than the 1st one. Heroes can be taken down with concentrated fire and explosives easier. Heroes can't just rush a bunch of enemies and be invincible.

The galactic battle mode feels a lot more balanced and better suited for casual play.

The TTK is a little weird. I get a little sick of constantly kill trading.
The big bummer for me is the small sized battles with only 40 players, and the on rails vehicles. It feels like they tried so hard (to the detriment of the game) to differentiate it from the Battlefield games.

I appreciate that they tweaked the heroes and how you earn the credits though. That definitely seemed broken when it first came out.
I see people enjoying it and realize I need to take a step back.
Previous points still stand but I started to get annoyed that part of it was actually fun. I'm planning on getting it, I want it to be fun.

Internet outrage is a hell of a drug.

Here's hoping this mess gets the changes it needs and the appreciation it then deserves. The devs obviously poured their souls into the project. Though they are rightfully earned, part of me hurts seeing low review scores.
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I hope I like it. I just picked it up for my new XBX. I had some doubts after all the stuff I read about microtransactions and pay to win. But after reading that EA put a stop to in-game purchases for the time being that was just the thing to pull me back in and take a chance.
Internet outrage is a hell of a drug.

Funny thing isn't it? Once it starts rolling it never ends. People say they want one thing, then they get it and the rage just keeps going.

I mean it is great what places like Kotaku and gamers on Reddit do. This is our only outlet to enact change.

The problem is - for some it never ends. If people want to never buy the game, that's their right.

I bought the game and I am having tons of fun from it. It is great that transactions are off now.

If they ever turn them on? I won't buy any. From what I've played, they wouldn't be needed. I've got plenty of stuff already.
Single player campaign was below average to me. I only beat it so I could get the crates and money but it was a drag to get done with it.

Multiplayer is a blast but the progressions system seems to drag.
Worst part (beyond EA trying to fist us with their greed) is that the story mode is getting low marks.

Hurts especially that the marketing for it was basically a lie. "Experience star wars from the imperial perspective" for about 3 missions and then it goes like every other stupid story with an imperial protagonist. turn traitor halfway through, that's the MO. Disappointing that the one ethnic woman main character we've ever had in a star wars game (usually white dudes or that one twi'lek on the psp) had to be the lead in such a boring predictable plot.

Still gonna see what the fuss is about. I usually don't find as many issues with writing as others, but then I thought Andromeda was fine so maybe I can't be trusted.
Have only put in about 3 hours between multiplayer and campaign but not feeling it so far. I’ll give it the full 10 hours EA Access allows me but the campaign seems pretty poor so far and I’m just not a fan of the gunplay. Don’t like the movement or TTK. It’s great to look at but once that wears off, it’s a tedious grind. The progression system is convoluted and a chore regardless of paid loot boxes.
Its so hard for me to remain objective with this game. It does Star Wars fan service so well. I’m playing through the campaign and so far I really like it. The shooter elements are nice and tight. And the space battles are awesome, having to fly into a rebel ship and secure its hanger using the tie fighter’s weapons and then getting out for some boots on the ground blaster combat put a huge smile on my face.

The look and sound is authentic Star Wars. I realize it’s the Star Wars coat of paint that’s really doing it for me. But what really matters is that I’m having a good time. I know the online progression system is tied heavily to randomness from loot boxes which doesn’t sound appealing to me. I’m still looking forward to running and gunning in some multiplayer if only to be able to use some of the most iconic characters from the franchise.
After a few hours of multiplayer I can see the problems. I started with the the "Assault" class to familiarize myself with the maps and mechanics. I've got a few loot boxes and only got one thing for the class I'm using and it sucks. I guess one could say this encourages players to jump around to different classes but I like to come to grips with each one with extended play not hop from one to the other like some scatter brain.

Its easy to see why review scores were brought way down because of the progression system which is obviously put in place to fleece the gamer for more money. There is a really good Star Wars game weighed down by greed. I'm still having fun but I don't see this game having very long legs unless the developers make some radical changes to how rewards are gained. RNG works for a looter/shooter but not for competitive multiplayer progression.
The problem isn't the loot boxes at all. I don't think loot boxes give you weapons or attachments. Those all seem to have to be unlocked the old fashioned way. That is super grindy. I've earned plenty of star cards from loot boxes. Unlocking heroes is fine. You start with 8 unlocked and 6 locked (might be a preorder). None of that stuff matters. All the rage over that was pointless. People had the heroes unlocked within a day or two of the game being out.

It would actually be better if weapons unlocked from loot boxes now, but they don't. The time it takes to unlock the weapons is what needs to be fixed. It gets boring using the same few guns over and over. The default guns seem really solid overall which is good, they just get boring with little variety.
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The problem isn't the loot boxes at all. I don't think loot boxes give you weapons or attachments. Those all seem to have to be unlocked the old fashioned way. That is super grindy. I've earned plenty of star cards from loot boxes. Unlocking heroes is fine. You start with 8 unlocked and 6 locked (might be a preorder). None of that stuff matters. All the rage over that was pointless. People had the heroes unlocked within a day or two of the game being out.

It would actually be better if weapons unlocked from loot boxes now, but they don't. The time it takes to unlock the weapons is what needs to be fixed. It gets boring using the same few guns over and over. The default guns seem really solid overall which is good, they just get boring with little variety.

I agree about weapon unlocks the requirements are high but I can live with that. Loot boxes offer big gameplay advantages like increased blast radius for grenades, increased health, longer firing of weapons before overheating. These are big advantages that are given at random from loot boxes. I think the rage is justified because so much is left up to chance. Sure, some people have most or all heroes unlocked but I'll bet there are many on the other side like me with bad RNG luck and not getting anything useful for the time spent playing. The whole point of any game is fun factor and its there. But the loot boxes put a big dent into that fun because its so random.
I agree about weapon unlocks the requirements are high but I can live with that. Loot boxes offer big gameplay advantages like increased blast radius for grenades, increased health, longer firing of weapons before overheating. These are big advantages that are given at random from loot boxes. I think the rage is justified because so much is left up to chance. Sure, some people have most or all heroes unlocked but I'll bet there are many on the other side like me with bad RNG luck and not getting anything useful for the time spent playing. The whole point of any game is fun factor and its there. But the loot boxes put a big dent into that fun because its so random.

That is true, I'm not sure how much of an advantage those are. Honestly I have plenty of star cards already. I've got at least 2 on every class by now and I've barely put any time in (not sure how much were preorder).

I mean, what's the difference between a regular grenade and an "improved" one with a card? I haven't run across anyone who dominates yet to be honest. Having the right gun for the right scenario seems way more important. Loot boxes is a disturbing trend when it goes beyond cosmetics, but so far it seems shooting someone in the face with a laser seems to work just fine.

The players who wreck in this game are the ones who get a few early quick kills and can start getting into vehicles and heroes first, and that has nothing to do with loot boxes. That all resets per round.
The currency for heroes and crates should be different. Its easy to say the heroes don't matter but they know people want them that is why they are in the game and locked.

If you save for them you are sacrificing your cards for everything. If you don't you know its going to be a long time before you can get them especially with more coming in a couple weeks.
Deep down, the game is a lot more fun than the first one. They managed to make the bigger battles more fun and closer.

The way heroes and vehicles spawn is a lot more natural.
I agree with Tommygun on the story.

The progression system is just way too annoying and convoluted. I just don't care to follow all that nonsense. The junk I get is sooo useless I mainly ignore the whole thing. Just the process of opening/dealing with the boxes is so cumbersome for no payoff. Even my kids opened one and realized it was a total waste.

The biggest disappointment is the lack of coop play over xbl. Playing as split screen only kind of sucks. I like to play with my kids and they don't even have the same option as Garden Warfare 2. Big let down. I got Destiney to play with kids now.

The core game is awesome, but sooo much time is wasted on these loot boxes it mars the overall package.
Anyone else experiencing a lot of lag last night and today? I played on XBL last night and it was lagging like crazy during Starfighter assault, same thing today on PSN and lag really kills you when you are trying not to fly into object lol.
I have only dabbled in the campaign mode so far and I like it that first level where Iden escapes the rebel cruiser it was awesome cannot wait to dive more into it and play some of the online stuff.
Anyone else experiencing a lot of lag last night and today? I played on XBL last night and it was lagging like crazy during Starfighter assault, same thing today on PSN and lag really kills you when you are trying not to fly into object lol.

Yes, I got rubberbanding this weekend. Used to happen now and then, but this weekend was worse. It always seems to hit at spawn, but had some games where it got bad in game.

What's weird is I was able to mostly play through it even though it felt terrible. At times though people would do that roll/dive thing and stop and back up and do it again. I didn't notice problems in any other games.
I had a few laggy matches this weekend as well.

Aside from that and the massive grind to unlock things, gameplay is so damn much fun. Now that I've unlocked cards and weapons I like, I'm enjoying playing all 4 classes. Still not enjoying flying anywhere near as much as I did in the last game, but the infantry combat is so much fun. Going to hold all my points to unlock all the heroes now.

Still haven't started the campaign, looking forward to it.
I had a few laggy matches this weekend as well.

Aside from that and the massive grind to unlock things, gameplay is so damn much fun. Now that I've unlocked cards and weapons I like, I'm enjoying playing all 4 classes. Still not enjoying flying anywhere near as much as I did in the last game, but the infantry combat is so much fun. Going to hold all my points to unlock all the heroes now.

Still haven't started the campaign, looking forward to it.

I like how there's a balance to the heroes vs vehicles now. You can use your points early to get a vehicle and maybe turn the tide or wait for your hero. Works a lot better than just having some guy camping the vehicle spawn all game.

The infantry combat is so much fun.
Only played a little bit so far, the single player campaign blows. The vehicular missions are pretty cool, however, the boots on the ground lvls are just not fun. I'm also bummed the story took the usual redemption route, I woulda loved to have it just play out as a tale from the dark side.