The Watch Dogs Thread v2.0

So anyone still playing this? What a lousy game this is, I don't think I can stomach playing it anymore and I'm still in the first chapter I think. Glad Gamestop & Best Buy are offering $40 trade.

Find myself having to have a few days break after a couple hours play. Its a very average game in just about every area.
Finished the rather dull main story and would give the game a 5/10.
Find myself having to have a few days break after a couple hours play. Its a very average game in just about every area.

This is exactly where I am. Play for a few hours, take a few days break. This is purely my fault though. I bought into the hype and got a game that wasn't in my realm of preference. Not a bad game per se just not for me.
So anyone still playing this? What a lousy game this is, I don't think I can stomach playing it anymore and I'm still in the first chapter I think. Glad Gamestop & Best Buy are offering $40 trade.

I had the same feeling for the first few days. After accepting the game's faults, it has really grown on me and I'm glad I stuck with it.
I had the same feeling for the first few days. After accepting the game's faults, it has really grown on me and I'm glad I stuck with it.
I guess Destiny Alpha is partly to blame also. After that, all I really want to play is more Destiny.
you guys need to do more main missions, some really nice ones in there
The last few are dire but yes it does have some good missions.
Just finished the prison mission in act 1 and that was pretty fun, getting over all the side missions and what not, i just came off playing black flag and thought it was much more fun than watch dogs.
Finally finished the main story campaign. Going to finish up the side missions and all that later.
I just wanted to say How much I'm still enjoying this game. I've got a ton of hours in side stuff alone. I think it helps that I'm not turned off by, and even enjoy, the driving missions. The Fixer missions are good fun, imo. I don't do any of the Online stuff, even though I've never turned it off. I've almost maxed my stats and have finally started doing more Main quest missions. I just got T-Bone to my Hideout on the Island- not sure how far that is.

I've got to say, I really love the recon element to the game. I love how I can approach a mission in so many ways. Usually it's by taking out as many guys with the environment as possible, then stealth killing as many as I can. I even managed to plant T-bone's virus without killing any guards- that was fun. I LOVE running from cops/gang members. I also like posting up on a long sight line and using my Destroyer rifle on the the Criminal Convoys- Taking out their engines and picking them off until the last guy( who you have to knock out). :bang:

I did just do the De Marco side mission, and that I found particularly lame( just a Crimial Convoy mission, essentially) after how awesome the E3 version of it was.

The game has some rough edges, but I still think it's fantastic :grin:
I finally sunk some hours into this game and its fun. But there are some frustrating elements stopping this from being a great open world game. The campaign missions are very linear and trial and error stealth does not belong in a open world game. And someone tell me why there is no jump button, I swear I hate this contextual vault option. Overall the game feels very by the numbers for open world game recycling elements from so many Ubi games. The bright side is the side missions offer a lot of freedom on how to complete them and I really think the City of Chicago is greatly realized with its intricate design. Watch Dogs is a fun game just nothing spectacular.
I finally sunk some hours into this game and its fun. But there are some frustrating elements stopping this from being a great open world game. The campaign missions are very linear and trial and error stealth does not belong in a open world game. And someone tell me why there is no jump button, I swear I hate this contextual vault option. Overall the game feels very by the numbers for open world game recycling elements from so many Ubi games. The bright side is the side missions offer a lot of freedom on how to complete them and I really think the City of Chicago is greatly realized with its intricate design. Watch Dogs is a fun game just nothing spectacular.

It's B. If he can climb or vault, he will, and how you time it will determine how fast he does it.
Cleared the main story and left it at that. A very forgettable experience.
This is not a good game. It is an okay game, but it is not a good one. Definitely not worth $60.
Cleared the main story and left it at that. A very forgettable experience.

I probably won't come back to it when I finish either, but I've gotten a TON of hours out of it, so that's fine. I probably won't go back to AC4 either, and it was lots of fun too. In fact, the only SP games I go back to consistently are the Halo games. That doesn't mean they weren't worth it, imo.
It's not a Great game, but it is a good one, imo.

I can get behind that statement. I’ve been having fun with the game. There is one thing I’m really appreciative of which is the large amount of things you can do outside the main campaign. One can really lose themselves in all the fun side activities available in Watch Dogs. Just to name a few, you can prevent crimes, lose yourself in investigations, tackle the crazy convoy missions, try and outrun the cops in the hectic fixer missions or search for collectables. Watch Dogs is packed with content the way a open world game should be, but more importantly the content should be fun to play through which I’m finding to be the case.
I can get behind that statement. I’ve been having fun with the game. There is one thing I’m really appreciative of which is the large amount of things you can do outside the main campaign. One can really lose themselves in all the fun side activities available in Watch Dogs. Just to name a few, you can prevent crimes, lose yourself in investigations, tackle the crazy convoy missions, try and outrun the cops in the hectic fixer missions or search for collectables. Watch Dogs is packed with content the way a open world game should be, but more importantly the content should be fun to play through which I’m finding to be the case.

The thing that holds it back is that the side "missions" are almost exactly the same every time. Sure they can be fun, but a bit more depth would be nice. I do like when the criminals call in their buddies for a shoot-out, and I love the fixer missions. The cops can be relentless, especially later in the game( frikkin' helicopter snipers!), and I've had chases last a good while, and it's awesome getting away. I've recently started getting more choosy about which vehicle I take and when.

My favorites are the Gang Hideouts, and it's good times taking out/messing with the baddies throught the CtoS before going in. There is a TON of potential, but the Protagonist exists in a pretty hypocritical grey area. I don't know how to feel about him. Aside from his love for his family, there don't seem to be many redeeming qualities or honor about him. Hell, even Trevor from GTA 5 had a kind of honor to him that was interesting in how twisted he was. Aiden is just not handled in a very interesting way. He's pretty much just amoral.
Hey Frozpot, at first I hated the fixer missions. But now that I have a few toys to deal with them like being able to jam comms, activate spike strips, burst steam pipes and a increase in the focus meter I’m having fun with them. It’s a satisfying feeling when I have the cops fall into my traps and I slip away in the chaos caused from the hacking of the environment.

See, even though side missions play out the same. There are so many different ones that it provides variety. Obviously if you’re going to do all the say fixer missions back to back, one after the other it will grow stale. But mixing in a fixer mission and then jumping to a convoy mission and then running into a gang hideout and jumping back into the campaign provides a lot of different scenarios to keep things fun. This is what I’ve come to expect from open world games but play something like Infamous: Second Son and witness the unimaginative side quests ever to grace a open world game.
Hey Frozpot, at first I hated the fixer missions. But now that I have a few toys to deal with them like being able to jam comms, activate spike strips, burst steam pipes and a increase in the focus meter I’m having fun with them. It’s a satisfying feeling when I have the cops fall into my traps and I slip away in the chaos caused from the hacking of the environment.

See, even though side missions play out the same. There are so many different ones that it provides variety. Obviously if you’re going to do all the say fixer missions back to back, one after the other it will grow stale. But mixing in a fixer mission and then jumping to a convoy mission and then running into a gang hideout and jumping back into the campaign provides a lot of different scenarios to keep things fun. This is what I’ve come to expect from open world games but play something like Infamous: Second Son and witness the unimaginative side quests ever to grace a open world game.

To be fair, there is still a little variation. Sometimes Fixer missions want you to take a guy out, or distract the cops. Even then, if you drive fast enough or use your jam coms you can avoid a chase. There are a lot of options, and scoping out hideouts and the like is always a must. I like that you can actually do it all under the radar, too. Sometimes I will sneak around until I get the targets, then kill all the cronies one-by-one just because I can :)

Trapping my pursuer is always fun, but the way the camera cuts has caused me trouble on occasion.
This is not a good game. It is an okay game, but it is not a good one. Definitely not worth $60.
I think it's worth the $60. The campaign is very long & you can play online. Compared to the other titles that people bought, this is one of the better $60 titles out right now honestly. It's just not great. The side stuff gets really repetitive. The story also gets a bit bland for the people used to the humor in GTA.
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I think it's worth the $60. The campaign is very long & you can play online. Compared to the other titles that people bought, this is one of the better $60 titles out right now honestly. It's just not great. The side stuff gets really repetitive. The story also gets a bit bland for the people used to the humor in GTA.

The campaign is very long, but in the way that GTA4's campaign was very long and disjointed, aimless. I'm in Act 2 and this game is like a bad TV show, just making things up as it goes along. I could not care about what's going on in this story less. Worse, the "fun" distractions of the game, like the digital trips, were quickly tacked on. I went through and beat all the gang hideout missions, which aren't nearly as fun as smashing outposts in Far Cry 3. Now I'm left with a bunch of boring driving missions and getaways that work well more or less based on how many Jam Coms I've got on-hand. It's a pretty sad affair overall.
It's weird to have such a boring main character but most of the supporting cast is actually pretty good, i'm starting to warm up to the game a bit more, probably helps i'm getting sick of BF4.
I still haven't finished the game yet. Took a break and just haven't gotten back into it. Probably because i got it for the PS4 and i'm more of an achievement hunter than a trophy hunter. The game is good enough to finish just on the merit of it being a good game but if i had that achievement incentive i would be done by now. I'll probably stick to buying mostly exclusives for the PS4.
I still haven't finished the game yet. Took a break and just haven't gotten back into it. Probably because i got it for the PS4 and i'm more of an achievement hunter than a trophy hunter. The game is good enough to finish just on the merit of it being a good game but if i had that achievement incentive i would be done by now. I'll probably stick to buying mostly exclusives for the PS4.

Some may laugh but I agree with you to a point. Trophies just don't offer me the same addictiveness of achievements. Its something that's been with me since the introduction of trophies. I just don't know how many trophies I need to get to the next level whereas for cheevos at a glance I can tell how many points I need to get to the next thousand. But I still look to see which platform has the best performing version of multiplatform games which has been on the PS4 which is where I've done most of my gaming for this new generation.

As for Watch Dogs, its a good game just needs something more to make it truly great. I suspect it will be like Assassin's Creed where multiple games will need to come out to fully realize the vision. But if Ubi goes for yearly releases again they risk burning me out of this franchise like they have done with the AC series. Although lately I've been itching for some of the awesome pirate themed missions from AC4 which I never finished.
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I get what people are saying. I just think as a full package it's not that bad for $60 compared to some of these other titles currently out. It is a lot more bland/boring throughout a lot of the game, I understand that. It'll probably drop in price soon anyways to $40.