Raid Stories

Pick me. I want the Vex rifle. :crazy:

I wonder why Bungie won’t update the legendary weapons from the VoG raid. I would like a 331 Confluence rifle, this scout rifle has been my go-to rifle every since I got it. I use other weapons but go to it a lot during the most difficult of enemy encounters.

Awesome, let's do it.

Yeah I'd love a 331 fatebringer as well.
Played hard VoG raid for the first time a few hours ago and got rewarded handsomly. Veg Mythocast, Universal Remote, Raid pulse rifle, Raid rocket launcher, raid greaves, and raid chest piece.

Too bad the legendary raid gear is essentially useless now. Nevertheless, I'll take the two exotics.
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Played hard VoG raid for the first time a few hours ago and got rewarded handsomly. Veg Mythocast, Universal Remote, Raid pulse rifle, Raid rocket launcher, raid greaves, and raid chest piece.

Too bad the legendary raid gear is essentially useless now. Nevertheless, I'll take the two exotics.

Vex is awesome. I finally got the Praetorian foil Raid fusion rifle from templar hard drop. Did the VoG countless times yet never got it before.
Used DestinyLFG to run CE earlier today. There was some "try hard" prick in the group. First he recommends that everyone that hadn't gotten the first chest should just get it solo some other time. I could deal with that. We got through "The Pit" section first try.

Some of the people in the fireteam hadn't done the "Totem Bridge" legit before. I casually explained what had to happen to complete it. We made it through it in a couple tries no problem.

Everyone pretty much knew how to get the "Shrieker" chest. But right out of the gate a couple guys accidently killed their self trying to fire rockets at the first Shrieker without getting above the Thrall. I ended up landing in the doorway at just the right second for it to close on me and kill me. The "try hard" cried around about that, even though he didn't even reach the door. At this point his attitude started to annoy me a little.

Everyone pretty much knew the Deathsinger part, and we cleared it in a couple tries.

We get to Crota, and like the "Totem Bridge", some people had never beaten Crota legit. We loosely tried a couple times, and died. At this point, the guy starts being a straight up a-hole to the people who had never done it legit. I cut him off, and tried to casually explain the process we needed to execute until Crota died. The little prick started telling them certain things about my method was wrong. Like its better if the sword carrier doesn't carry the Chalice. Also he tells them that it doesn't matter if the sword carrier is in a position to jump to Crota and attack, everyone needed to take down Crotas shield the second we killed the Swordbearer. Needless to say, people got pelted by boomers while shooting Crota, and the sword carrier was getting to Crota in time for 1 or 2 hits and then killed because Crotas shield was going down a couple seconds before the sword carrier was able to get to him. After that I had had enough of the guy and just left. I wouldn't have minded at all to stay and help the folks that had never done it learn how to. But Im not going to spend an hour or so with someone taking all the fun out of a game because they take it too seriously. Added him to my growing blocked list.

rant over :ysweat:
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Soda Jack - I've had nothing but very positive experiences with Destiny LFG, I've used it for probably 12+ raids, a couple nightfall strikes, and a couple weekly's.

Everybody's been very mature, friendly, helpful, and we've been successful all but a couple of times. I'm honestly quite shocked. I've played with over 70 people and none of them fell into any of the negative stereotypical categories of gamers. But I guess that's what happens when you have people with mutual goals that could get booted by the host if they act up or easily leave the game if the host is a douche.

Whereas in matchmaking, people are random, can't get booted, won't play with/against their teammates/enemies again, and don't always have a common goal in mind. It would be nice to see the revival of a server browser or an in game system similar to Destiny LFG as a secondary system to matchmaking. I feel like this would help mitigate the bad people.
Soda Jack - I've had nothing but very positive experiences with Destiny LFG, I've used it for probably 12+ raids, a couple nightfall strikes, and a couple weekly's.

Everybody's been very mature, friendly, helpful, and we've been successful all but a couple of times. I'm honestly quite shocked. I've played with over 70 people and none of them fell into any of the negative stereotypical categories of gamers. But I guess that's what happens when you have people with mutual goals that could get booted by the host if they act up or easily leave the game if the host is a douche.

Whereas in matchmaking, people are random, can't get booted, won't play with/against their teammates/enemies again, and don't always have a common goal in mind. It would be nice to see the revival of a server browser or an in game system similar to Destiny LFG as a secondary system to matchmaking. I feel like this would help mitigate the bad people.
Oh don't take my rant about a person I played with through LFG wrong. I have only came across two people, the entire time Ive used LFG, that were a-holes. The overwhelming majority of people Ive played with through LFG aren't bad at all. My post above was nothing more than me blowing off steam. I guess I should have made that clear.
To be honest I don't like raiding. At times they can be fun. But all to often they are filled with sections of frustration. The mechanics aren't hard. But they must be done almost perfectly for an extended period of time. And if one thing goes wrong the whole thing can be thrown out of wack requiring a team wipe to start all over again. I only do them for loot like everyone else. But I much prefer strikes. I'd like a lvl30+ strike playlist instead of having only one weekly strike that's challenging. I have a feeling that's coming with the next dlc when they raise the level cap again.

VoG raid still refuses to give me the two weapons I want. But Crota was a bit more generous this week. I got the Titan chest armor and Light of the Abyss, Thunder Lord and Black Hammer. I can see why people say BH is a boss killer. As long as you can put 3 bullets into its critical spot you can keep shooting getting a damage bonus with no penalty to ammo reserves. I think I had to reload twice to take down the Devil Walker, haha.
To be honest I don't like raiding. At times they can be fun. But all to often they are filled with sections of frustration. The mechanics aren't hard. But they must be done almost perfectly for an extended period of time. And if one thing goes wrong the whole thing can be thrown out of wack requiring a team wipe to start all over again. I only do them for loot like everyone else. But I much prefer strikes. I'd like a lvl30+ strike playlist instead of having only one weekly strike that's challenging. I have a feeling that's coming with the next dlc when they raise the level cap again.

VoG raid still refuses to give me the two weapons I want. But Crota was a bit more generous this week. I got the Titan chest armor and Light of the Abyss, Thunder Lord and Black Hammer. I can see why people say BH is a boss killer. As long as you can put 3 bullets into its critical spot you can keep shooting getting a damage bonus with no penalty to ammo reserves. I think I had to reload twice to take down the Devil Walker, haha.

I got BH on my first run through of CE's. Between it and IB, they are my goto for Strike grinding..
Ran VoG Hard twice yesterday. Got Fatebringer on my first run. Got a third Vex on my second run. I have a boatload of Ascendant materials. I think I have around 150 Ascendant Energy lol.

I really wish they would raise the damage level on the older legendarys. Ive got several legendarys with perks that are exactly what I want. Its is kind of bs to force players to get another lucky drop all over again just for the newest damage rating.
Ran VoG Hard twice yesterday. Got Fatebringer on my first run. Got a third Vex on my second run. I have a boatload of Ascendant materials. I think I have around 150 Ascendant Energy lol.

I really wish they would raise the damage level on the older legendarys. Ive got several legendarys with perks that are exactly what I want. Its is kind of bs to force players to get another lucky drop all over again just for the newest damage rating.
They want you to keep playing the game. If you get everything you want then you will have little incentive to keep playing. When HOW hits exotics will have to be reset to be upgraded and new legendaries will replace old ones. It is the cycle of life for destiny. Grind, grind, and more grind with slot machine loot. Enjoy.
Damn, just ran Crota twice and didn't get the Titan helmet to complete its raid set. Ohh well, next week. On the plus side the first time I ran the raid we blew through it. And lucky enough the same group needed to run it again with alts as I did and we stormed through it again in record time. When you get with a group that knows the battles the Crota raid can be completed very fast.
looking forward to running it again this weekend...maybe I wont get shards this time..

It definitely does better item drops than vault of Glass. I've only done one run so far where I got nothing but shards. Every other time I've gotten weapons and armour.

Myself and Havvy are out drinking this Friday so it'll be Saturday before I'll be raiding this weekend.

Useful info about the raid will be posted here once guides start to come out
  • All enemies are 33.

  • Abyss Ogres and Cursed Thralls are now Majors (Yellow bar).

  • The Bridge has the same enemy modifications as the Abyss. Enemies appear to not get flinched by weapons. (Needs further confirmation)

  • No Challice at Crota fight

  • A Wizard Major will now spawn to the left of Crota

  • Gatekeepers have been added to the Crota fight

  • Boomer Knights and all Knights in Crota are Majors.

  • Primary Weapons drops from all major sections. (Abyss, Bridge, and Crota)

  • Gatekeeper does not need to be down to strike Crota.

  • New shader is called Glowhoo and looks like this:
Gatekeeper does not need to be down to strike Crota.
Didn't know this. Thanks for sharing. I just spent about 2 hours trying to kill Crota to no end.

What I learned in the fight up to Crota-

If you have gotten the Pit chest on Normal, it will not give you anything on Hard. A Hunter can run straight through The Pit section, activate the bridge, jump up on the rock that makes you invisible to everything but the Ogres, then turn invisible hide behind one of the rocks in front of the bridge until the bridge is fully formed.

The Totem Bridge- You only need 3 players to cross the bridge to beat it. Of course the more the better. But if you can get your 3 strongest player across, they can still take out the Ogres and finish the section. Ideally you want to kill the Ogres before they reach the Totems. But you can make the Ogres get off the Totem/s, then have someone get on the Totem/s quickly to keep them from killing everyone.