The Xbox One Thread

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Hey guys. You can see BF4 at 60fps with Gamespot's new 60fps player.

You guys should check it out. It look AMAZING!

Word of warning though. It's not all 60fps. Some is old gen footage.
why is the x1 version sharper wth

Because countless attempts of brainwashing, slinging FUD, and pure blind fanboyism doesn't change the fact that specs don't tell the full story of consoles.

In my honest opinion I think the X1 looks better overall, some may disagree, I welcome different opinions, that's why I'm on a forum, but I've been looking at both and in almost every shot the X1 has an edge over the PS4.
Because countless attempts of brainwashing, slinging FUD, and pure blind fanboyism doesn't change the fact that specs don't tell the full story of consoles.

In my honest opinion I think the X1 looks better overall, some may disagree, I welcome different opinions, that's why I'm on a forum, but I've been looking at both and in almost every shot the X1 has an edge over the PS4.

Okay, now this is very off-topic... but your profile. 2NE1. Are you thinking of the very same people I'm thinking?
Wtf is up with the IGN video? Its like a completely differnt capture?
Out of all the games to use as a comparison Baseline. COD and BF 4 have to be two of the worse games to judge the systems on . They're current gen ports! So at best they shined it up as best they could, but they don't have the time to make to two versions the best they can. COD always looks nice, but never pushes the graphical envelope because online play is so crucial. Both series can't have any hiccups from your graphic engine hampering their online play. Between being ports and the online issues I would never expect these game to be the best.
It looks better on X1 SP but the MP looks noticeably worse in that IGN video

Yeah, the MP version on XB1 has to be one of the worse MP footage Ive seen. I'm seriously amazed at how poor of a job they did.
It looks better on X1 SP but the MP looks noticeably worse in that IGN video
Hmmm i don't like how small the player window is, but aside from aliasing looked...samey to me man. But i see you agree...SP looks better, yet Jack says different. Ah well....whatever. It shouldn't even bother me.
What gen is this s*** DICE?

It will not bother me either, its clearly a tarter up port not a true next generation game......SP is noticeably better on X1 and the PS4 has a strange smear over the image, true next generation comparisons are at least a year away....
Something tells me that games that are on 360 too wont' be a huge leap at the start of launch... Plus BF4 being 64 players online, something tells me graphics online probably take a huge hit to support it. I bet Single player though will look amazing because BF3 looked pretty good single player wise, just MP takes huge hit..

Where as exclusive only games have looked impressive like DR3,Ryse/Forza... Especially Forza/Ryse.. But DR3 looks smooth and great with all the s*** that is going on its impressive.
I'm hearing several people say that Xbox One multiplayer wasn't even available at the event, so IGN might have made a mistake. this MP vid (watch in HD of course) looks spectacular. very odd.

lol, it seems like peace is restored in UVGF. We know the X1 resolution, the doomsday did not come, we wait for X1 again, everybody went to sleep (right?).
The game look damn near identical on both machines . All this screaming,eye gouging, and hair pulling by fanboys over a game that looks 95% the same on both consoles. LOL.
Dark10x, who works for DF chimed in over at GAF. Basically the question is/was "You say one thing but we see another"

Heres his responses..

The issue here is simple; Tom had a limited amount of time to capture this stuff and was not able to do so in a normal environment. If mistakes were made normally, it would be easy to go back and correct, but with the way this worked, it wasn't really possible.

Why so different? DF uses their own hardware for capturing while DICE were handing out Elgato boxes to everyone else. The DF hardware is actually much more capable but it works differently and, without the experience of working with these new consoles, I can see a situation where settings were dialed in wrong.

JF used what DICE provided and probably didn't even attempt to change any settings which, in this case, turned out to be for the best.

This thread is interesting in that it highlights people's taste for artificial enhancements. That would explain why so many HDTVs ship with the least accurate settings possible. People LIKE fake contrast and over-sharpened visuals, it seems.

"This is kind of a win for Xbox in that you show the footage to any 'normal' person and they're just not going to care."

Ah, in this case, you're not wrong, but there is more to it.

If you look beyond BF4 this hints at a pretty significant performance difference between the two. The PS4 version is rendering significantly more pixels at a more consistent framerate with additional effects. Even if your casual person cannot spot a difference it still highlights a gulf in performance. As the generation pushes forward this performance difference can manifest itself in many different ways.

It's a bad sign for XB1.

It's simple; PS4 version operates at a higher resolution with an almost 50% pixel advantage while delivering a generally more consistent framerate and displaying some effects (such as HBAO) which are completely missing on XB1. It's not something the casual audience will necessarily pick up on but it does highlight a rather significant performance difference that will likely manifest itself down the line.

That would be akin to a 360 game being released at 1280x720 while the PS3 version ran at 853x480 with more slowdown.

So..who knows :txbrolleyes:
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Eh,all i see is Dark10X making excuses when the video doesn't add up to all the fud thats been thrown around. After all the shouting over superiority/inferiority does the video really show it...... Thats what I thought. His response sure sounds like a backpeddle. Using your own eyes, the video tells the real story and you then realize all the fud thrown around was really a sad joke. Both games are 95% identical. Case closed.
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Yeah, again, getting out your magnifying glasses and explaining in excruciating technical detail why the PS4 version is better than the XB1 seems to be just excuses for refusing to admit that the Xbox can hold its own.
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