Last Of Us PS4 Remastered (July 29)

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I hesitated in posting it. I am sorry if I spoiled it for anyone. I was just posting some updated news. I should have prefaced it.
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90% of the video is showing praising reviews quotes and 10/10 scores, then it cuts to an important scene from the game for 10 seconds. trailer was blatantly mashed together as quick as possible

Yeah, that scene was beautiful.

I think that scene is a glimpse of what they're trying to push and I do believe it was @ 60FPS or close to it because of the smoothness factor. It looks nice.
Thank you. I was about to watch it, but hesitated because I didn't want a spoiler.

p.s. Wait, "1 minute of blowing itself"? Maybe I should watch it after all. That sounds like it could be interesting. :laugh:

"How can I hold all these awards!" for a min.

I am pretty sure it's going to be 1080p/60fps. The environments are confined. The PS4 should be able to run this game flawlessly. That being said, the game is going to look sick. I finished it the other day. It's one of the best games I've ever played, since Half Life 2.
I am pretty sure it's going to be 1080p/60fps. The environments are confined. The PS4 should be able to run this game flawlessly. That being said, the game is going to look sick. I finished it the other day. It's one of the best games I've ever played, since Half Life 2.

It reminded me of that game in a lot of ways.
Looks like all the sites are reporting a June 20th release date now.

BTW, as someone who did not own PS3 last gen, do I have to get this game now? What makes it so good? I've watched some of the reviews but I still don't get it. The word "masterpiece" is thrown around a lot by many sites I respect, and I've never quite seen reviews like this since games like Ocarina of Time. But when they show the game they show mostly cut scenes. Not trying to be obtuse but just seeking opinions of this game.
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Looks like all the sites are reporting a June 20th release date now.

BTW, as someone who did not own PS3 last gen, do I have to get this game now? What makes it so good? I've watched some of the reviews but I still don't get it. The word "masterpiece" is thrown around a lot by many sites I respect, and I've never quite seen reviews like this since games like Ocarina of Time. But when they show the game they show mostly cut scenes. Not trying to be obtuse but just seeking opinions of this game.

I haven't played the game, but it's Naughty Dog, so it'll be plenty of cutscenes mixed with lots of action, interesting characters, a tight plot, and well-written dialog. ND seems to have the ability to mix those ingredients together in a way that other studios can't.

It's not a mandatory purchase by any means. Plenty of people don't like ND's style, which is a sort of cinematic one.
Looks like all the sites are reporting a June 20th release date now.

BTW, as someone who did not own PS3 last gen, do I have to get this game now? What makes it so good? I've watched some of the reviews but I still don't get it. The word "masterpiece" is thrown around a lot by many sites I respect, and I've never quite seen reviews like this since games like Ocarina of Time. But when they show the game they show mostly cut scenes. Not trying to be obtuse but just seeking opinions of this game.

The game is great, but lets not get carried away, especially when people these days use words like "amazing" and "awesome" when describing nearly anything. Ocarina of Time was the closest thing I've seen to an actual masterpiece-it defined 3d gaming, and showed us what could be done on gameplay and cinematic level unlike anything else. The Last of Us simply does a few things very well, nothing more. It doesn't redefine anything. that said, I will be rebuying, even if its 720p/60fps or only 1080p/3ofps. However I'd love both.
Amazing and awesome game glad PS4 owners that have not played it yet get a chance.
Looks like all the sites are reporting a June 20th release date now.

BTW, as someone who did not own PS3 last gen, do I have to get this game now? What makes it so good? I've watched some of the reviews but I still don't get it. The word "masterpiece" is thrown around a lot by many sites I respect, and I've never quite seen reviews like this since games like Ocarina of Time. But when they show the game they show mostly cut scenes. Not trying to be obtuse but just seeking opinions of this game.

IMO, it is the game of the last generation. Great storytelling, great graphics, great game play. You owe it to yourself to buy the Remastered version if you've never tried the PS3 one. I'd tamper expectations when going in though so that the experience is that much better. The game continues to build up suspense and anticipation right until the credits roll. That ending.
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Agreed. Probably the best single player experience last gen. And its a lengthy SP campaign as well.
Looks like all the sites are reporting a June 20th release date now.

BTW, as someone who did not own PS3 last gen, do I have to get this game now? What makes it so good? I've watched some of the reviews but I still don't get it. The word "masterpiece" is thrown around a lot by many sites I respect, and I've never quite seen reviews like this since games like Ocarina of Time. But when they show the game they show mostly cut scenes. Not trying to be obtuse but just seeking opinions of this game.

It gets praised a lot because of the writing/story telling, but in truth, the writing /story telling is rather Generic when compared to movies, but when compared to most games it stands near the top. The actual game-play isn't all that great. The Melee/hand to hand stuff is nice but lacks variety and quantity. The Shooting is very typical 3rd person stuff. The human enemies are generic, and the infected are too few, and again lack variety. The game has lots of pointless, go here, then there, cue cut-scene moments.Plus, the world is far too linear IMO.

Do not get me wrong, it is a good game, and one well worth playing, but I would suggest tempering expectations as, IMO, this game is over-hyped.
Do not get me wrong, it is a good game, and one well worth playing, but I would suggest tempering expectations as, IMO, this game is over-hyped.

This. It is a really fantastic game, don't get me wrong. I would say its in the PS3's top 5, and it may even be number 1 if I think hard about it. However, I don't think the game is quite as good as a lot of people claim, at least in terms of its game play, though there's no denying it was a great story. Truly emotional at times, dramatic and heart wrenching, it was a step in the right direction for storytelling in games, its just the game play didn't match up to the story for me.If you never played it on PS3, then I would absolutely say yes, get it on PS4. I look forward to playing it again one day. Who knows, if I see a PS4 bundle with the game included at no extra charge, that might be enough to spur me into getting a PS4 this summer, if Diablo 3 doesn't do it first.

So yeah, great game, but not the second coming.
I really hope the june 20th date is correct cause i cant wait to play this again and the single player dlc too. This was my favorite game on ps3, and one of my favorite games of last gen. I never really got into the uncharted series but i got really into this game.
This. It is a really fantastic game, don't get me wrong. I would say its in the PS3's top 5, and it may even be number 1 if I think hard about it. However, I don't think the game is quite as good as a lot of people claim, at least in terms of its game play, though there's no denying it was a great story. Truly emotional at times, dramatic and heart wrenching, it was a step in the right direction for storytelling in games, its just the game play didn't match up to the story for me.If you never played it on PS3, then I would absolutely say yes, get it on PS4. I look forward to playing it again one day. Who knows, if I see a PS4 bundle with the game included at no extra charge, that might be enough to spur me into getting a PS4 this summer, if Diablo 3 doesn't do it first.

So yeah, great game, but not the second coming.
I wouldn't put any of ND's ps3 games in my top 10 ps3 games personally. Motorstorm PR, Shatter, Infamous, Flower, Yakuza 3 or 4, and a few other titles would make it perhaps off the top of my head.
I think it's best to keep your expectations down. I think high expectations for Uncharted 2 ("best singleplayer game ever!!") kept me from enjoying it as much as I could've. I'd prefer to go into games with no expectations at all, if I can.
I think it's best to keep your expectations down. I think high expectations for Uncharted 2 ("best singleplayer game ever!!") kept me from enjoying it as much as I could've. I'd prefer to go into games with no expectations at all, if I can.
Yeah, this was easier to do in the past without the internet, videos of every game and having it all shoved down your throat in some instances (like knowing half the game before you play it) even still knew too much of infamous when I played it and I didn't try to.
I think it's best to keep your expectations down. I think high expectations for Uncharted 2 ("best singleplayer game ever!!") kept me from enjoying it as much as I could've. I'd prefer to go into games with no expectations at all, if I can.

Definitely agreed. Uncharted 1 was fantastic but when Uncharted 2 came out, people were praising it to be the greatest thing available. When in reality, it was more or less Uncharted 1 with different locations. It was a good game, but yeah, a victim of being overhyped.

I remember going into a video game store and looking at the back of the cover and making my decisions based off of that. It served me well sometimes (Halo: Combat Evolved, Gears of War, Lost Planet, Resistance: Fall of Man (honestly, top 3 shooters I have ever played) and a ton of N64 games). But with all the attention video games get now, it's hard to avoid some things.
.... But with all the attention video games get now, it's hard to avoid some things.

Yeah, and of course I spend way too much time on the internet, reading about games, so I absorb all the hype, even if I don't want to. Like you said, it's hard to avoid, unless you just don't read about games at all -- but that's half the fun.
I actually enjoyed UC1 a little more, cause it didn't have all those scripts. The aiming and a few other things were just too bad in UC1 though. I'd rather have a PS4 UC1 re make more so than UC2 actually. To address the problems and have a bigger visual leap. Added areas , maybe some atv stuff (if they can get it right)

I really hope ND will do a pure gameplay mechanic game like jak or something new like it.
Sony looking into The Last of Us PS4 discount for those with a PS3 copy

Sony is considering offering a discount for those looking to pick up the PlayStation 4 version of The Last of Us if they already own the game on PS3.

"We’re looking into the business model for all this and will post about this once we have input from all regions," said Naughty Dog's Eric Monacelli on the PlayStation Blog.
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I hope we'll be able to play the game in chronological order. I've heard that you should start Left Behind DLC right after:

Joel gets injured at Colorado University.
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